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Stay up to date on the latest news, announcements, and product innovation from Columbia and FAKRO Canada. Skylight manufacturing is constantly evolving, from Smart Home technology, product design, innovations in glass and acrylic, or superior energy efficiency.
Canadia made curb mount skylight

Glass Curb Mount skylights are the superior leak resistant design 

Columbia has spent decades developing and testing a robust and energy efficient Curb Mount skylight design. We believe that Curb Mount is the right choice for the Canadian climate, and...

Mississauga Blog
Columbia Skylights Opens Larger Eastern Warehouse

Columbia Skylights has seen significant growth in Eastern Canada and the U.S. To meet the rising demand for our Columbia and FAKRO skylights, we have expanded our eastern warehouse and...

Northern Cabin Skylights
Why ENERGY STAR® Matters To Columbia

ENERGY STAR is important to Columbia Skylights. We make skylights for the Canadian and North American markets that are designed specifically to handle an extreme climate and deliver exceptional energy efficiency.

Solar and Energy Star
2024 ENERGY STAR® Special Recognition Award Winner

As Canada’s largest skylight manufacturer, we are proud to announce that we have received our third ENERGY STAR® Canada award in four years. We are honoured to accept the ENERGY STAR 2024 Special Recognition Award, adding to the 2022 Special Recognition Award and the 2021 Sustained Excellence Award.

Ubc Third Commons Skylights Hero
Partnering With The University of British Columbia

Columbia Skylights is proud to support the students of UBC as they pioneer energy efficient construction techniques and compete in the prestigious Solar Decathlon Design Challenge.


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